Notice of New Federal Circuit Rules, Court Forms, Guide, and Fee Schedule

The December 1, 2024 amendments to the Federal Circuit Rules go into effect today.  The final version of the Federal Circuit Rules (pdf) is available on the court’s website and will apply to all cases filed or pending on or after December 1, 2024, to the extent practicable.  The court has also adopted changes to Form 33. This form should be used, as required, for any filings made on or after December 1, 2024.  All updated and existing forms are located on the court’s website.

As part of the implementation of these amendments, the Clerk’s Office has issued updates to the Guide for Unrepresented Parties (pdf), Internal Operating Procedures (pdf), and the Petitions for Rehearing and Petitions for Hearing and Rehearing En Banc Information Sheet (pdf).

[Updated December 4, 2024 to reflect updates to the Internal Operating Procedures]